Friday, March 27, 2009

Who steals a book about God?

During my break today I managed to (finally) get my laundry done. I understand that this is nothing extraordinary, but I had been putting it off. I think the last time I did my laundry was 3 weeks ago. In times like that you learn what your fashion limits are - and I have none. I wore every clean article of clothing I could find until I decided to stop holding out on my dirty clothes. If truth be told, I only did finally wash my clothes mainly because I was on my last pair of underwear (and sort of cause I had no other plans for my break).
While my clothes were washing/drying I read Margaret Feinberg's book "Organic God". It is really good and I read like 70 pages in that hour. Stupid me puts the book on a table, folds my clothes, loads them up in my car, then drives away - minus the book. I go back a few hours later and the book is gone. I would like to be able to say that I hope whoever took the book gets a lot out of it and draws really close to God through it, but i'm a HUGE grudge holder....maybe in a couple weeks i'll be able to wish the person well (maybe after they reimburse me the $15 the book cost).
Did I mention my brother's paycheck, that I was supposed to cash for him, was inside the book - and already signed on the back? Good thing it was only for a measly $4. As best I can tell by that amout he must have worked approximately 20 minutes (give or take a few). How someone works (or why someone would work) only 20 minutes in a week i'll never know. Now that I think about it, I think I know a few people who only work 20 minutes per week - but they get paid for 30-40 hours. Scammers.
Then I return to work and find out horrible news - one of the kids that goes to a school that is served by my Y for before and after school programs has had his dad pass away. The kid doesn't actually participate in our programs, but I know who he is because I see him everyday at morning arrival (of which I help with). I was feeling bad already upon hearing that his dad passed away (no details), then it got worse when I read the story in the newspaper when I got home tonight.
At 2:30 in the morning, no one knows why, the guy goes the wrong way on the interstate (only minutes from his house) and collides head on into another vehicle, killing himself and the other car's driver. Police are not sure why he left home and headed the wrong way down the interstate. The kid's name is Logan, he's in 1st grade...I don't even know what to petition God for on the kid's behalf, i'm at a loss. What do you say to a child who has to deal with something like that? And what do I say to God about a situation like that? I feel bad praying the usuals: "help his family deal with this", "use this for good", etc.; I suspect that my prayers fall way short of what is needed for those families.
I got a good reminder today of that age old instruction to "keep your eye on the prize". Unfortunately it wasn't a symbolic gesture, or anything internal; I walked into a metal pole while looking the other way. I have a big bump on my forehead and I broke my glasses. I'm required by law to wear my glasses while I drive, and more importantly I need my glasses to see the score of March Madness games this weekend. If I had walked into the pole for even the slightest of good reasons I wouldn't feel so bad (a beautiful woman, memorizing a license plate after a hit and run, or something of that sort). I was looking at a lunch box - yes, a kid's lunch box - sitting on a desk. I thought it was one of my staff member's purse, I was trying to figure out whose it was. After I walked into the pole I went to see whose "purse" it was...and there it was, a 4th grader's empty lunch box.
What's funny is that one of my favorite TN Kids (Austin R. in Kindergarten) had a huge bump and bruise on his head this week. He said he was roller skating at Circus World, fell, and bumped his head on the bench when he went to go get some pizza at the concession stand. I teased him because his next line was hilarious: "...I'm really good at skating". I said "Are you serious, or kidding?" He says, "serious, I play hockey." He acts as if he's forgotten that he just told me he fell and bumped his head on the bench. I'm not sure if this is because he is in Kindergarten or because of some sort of brain damage caused by the fall. I'm hoping it's because he's in Kindergarten. So before he leaves today I tell him "please don't go rollerskating this weekend." 2 hours later I come out on the losing end of a battle between a metal pole and my forehead.
In Florida we (my people and I) refer to walking into a metal pole as a "Meghan Stephens". This can get kind of confusing, as we also refer to extreme front and back wedgies as "Meghan Stephens". But if you haven't just walked into a pole, you'll know why we're calling you "Meghan Stephens"...and making this shape with our hands ^... and you should make some adjustments to your bodily crevices areas.
After you read this....
Pray For - Logan and his family; and pray for God to open your eyes and ears in a new way to His love for you.
Check out - the Reject Apathy website
Try - substituting someone's name (at work or a family member) into everything you can think of. Make sure the person is a good sport first. For example, I work with a woman named Darisha. Where we work we play Kick Darisha and Dodge Darisha, we do Arts and Darisha projects, Andrew N. picks his nose and eats his Darishas, etc. etc. etc. Me and another person (hey Biggie!) have been pretty proficient at this in the past. If I remember right we consumed about 3 days work time (that's 24 hours) substituting one person's name. "Peanut butter and Marilyn sandwich" - hehe.
Read - Isaiah chapter 1, verses 15-23.
Think about - Reevaluate your part in God's desire to see the poor, oppressed, fatherless, and widows looked after. Is there anything you can do, big or small, to make a difference for good in someone's life who falls into one of these categories?
Listen to - "Hear Us From Heaven" by New Life Worship.

- DQ -

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